
Saturday, June 28, 2008

What is sub-health

Health is ESSENTIAL in a happy and prosperous life, and optimal health comes from a healthy lifestyle. Most of the citizens in Malaysia do not have a healthy lifestyle and eating habit. As a result, more and more illnesses emerge from our lives. In Malaysia, you can see hospitals, clinics or other health care centers for acupuncture etc etc, EVERYWHERE, in every corner, at every street. No wonder doctors have no problem driving Porches or Ferraris nowadays, their biz are growing fast !

Those are only for the ones who are already facing health problems, they only stand a few percents from the entire population. Most, almost every one of us, is not ill nor healthy, rather, we are in a sub-phase of health, known as sub-health. You, me, him, everyone, its just that you didnt notice all along, that's all. You don't feel sick, but you just don't feel good. Sounds familiar? I guess it would.

Dizziness, frequent tiredness, soreness in muscle, headaches, and many more, are the symptoms of a person being in sub-health. You just don't feel right, somewhere in the body, on the body, you can't name it, but you feel it. So, instead of taking more rests and improving lifestyle, more people prefer a quicker solution, PANADOL ! Yes, the miracle pill for everyone, the ones who are buying tickets to hell.

Sub-health is the most dangeruos. You would rather be lying in the hospital than having insomnia at home, not knowing what's happening to yourself. Sub-health will and SURELY will lead to chronic diseases and even CANCERS. So, I urge everyone, start caring for your health, your family's health, the society's health. Change today, fix it before its too late.

Artistry Basic Essentials and Grooming Workshop

Wanted to know how to :-
1) Have radiant skin
2) Choose and apply the right product to achieve radiant skin
3) Demonstrate a step-by-step application of skin care products

and :-
1) Identify the right hair care product for your hair
2) The best hairstyle for you
3) The best hair color for your skin tone
4) 2008 hair trend
5) Your daily maintenance and emergancy kit?

Register in the Artistry™ Basic Essentials and Grooming Workshop for ONLY RM15!
Leave your name and contact here to register.
available in Mandarin, English, Bahasa Malaysia
workshop dates: 9 July (E), 6 August (E), 7 July (M), 15 July (M), 25 July (BM)
time: 7.30pm-10.00pm
while seats are available.
deadline: 31 July 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

疾病, 到底是什么?

谈癌色变, 人人都怕得病, 但很多人都没真正了解到底什么是疾病. 大多数人, 表面上看起来似乎很健康, 其实身体已经是一塌糊涂, 但他不懂! 慢性疾病, 并不是一夜之间形成的. 都说是慢性病了, 就是你日积月累慢慢得来的. 不过很多人都急着用药物把它治疗好, 事实上已经走错第一步了.

我学了林海峰老师的整体自然疗法, 对疾病有了全新的认识. 你只得记得一件很重要的事, 就是 : 不论你怎么伤害你的身体, 你的身体决对不会伤害你; 反而, 不论你怎么好的对待一个人, 他有一天都可能会伤害你. 人, 是大自然数亿年进化而成的. 在这段时间里, 人体早就对各种伤害有了解决的方案, 用密码的方式记载DNA里. 一旦需要, 这些密码就会解开来应对这些伤害. 而人们的医疗科技, 把这些反应命名为 - 疾病. 简单来说, 疾病, 其实就是身体自我保护的过程.

身体会自行治疗, 这是在高的科技都代替不了的. 但让身体自行调理, 有个条件, 那就是提供正确和足够的材料 - 食物. 随着食物错误的供应或不足, 身体会慢慢的虚弱, 也开始分泌一些信号, 要你马上补充身体材料的不足. 但人们都在害怕的状况下用药物制止了这一系列的信号, 所以身体都一直处于快枯竭的状态 - 亚健康. 这时候, 你会莫名其妙感觉不舒服, 头痛, 肌肉酸痛, 头晕, 失眠, 皱纹, 食欲不振等等. 这些都是你生活习惯不好的表现. 在我认识的认识当中, 没有一个是不处于亚健康状态的, 所以, 还是增加多点对健康的知识, 免得以后身体健康受到很大的影响.

认真对待自己的身体, 热爱生命, 你绝对可以更开心!


想懂更多? 请留下回应或
请和我们联系( 电邮 : )

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

2008 Product Expo and National Convention

Sunday, 22 June 2008 was the 32th Amway National Convention, held at the Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil. Early in the morning was the annual product expo at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Hall.

(lTop) Nutrilite is the proud sponsor of Ronaldinho, Asafa Powell, ChiaKhai, and Liu Xiang LOL.

(Bottom) Double-X, best multi you can find on the market. Asafa gained his 100m World Record Holder title with it, Liu Xiang gained his 110m hurdles World Record Holder title with it. Ronaldinho, and Sanga, with her 400m USA record holder title.

More on product expo pls refer to YungXuen's blog. =)
JJ Lin Jun Jie was with us, all 20k of us, on the convention night. Too bad i cant get any pictures, with my stupid camera. They were all so dark. But here's something to share...

(above) This is him, on the big screen. Its blur but you can see him singing with his mic. lol.


这是林海峰老师最新作品 << 做最健康的自己 >> , 相信又会与往常一样, 是非常精彩的杰作!!

相关资料请游览 自然之子-林海峰 部落格

钱, 真的可以解决很问题-续

奶粉要钱, 食物要钱,
小学要钱, 中学要钱, 大学要钱,
拍拖要钱, 结婚要钱,
汽车要钱, 房子要钱,
孝顺父母要钱, 孝顺岳父岳母要钱,
电风扇要钱, 冷气机要钱, 石油要钱, 什么都是钱.

连去世, 都要钱!!!

如今, 对于一些家境有困难的朋友, 这真是一个又可恨, 又可笑, 又让你无可奈何的事情. 连这等事, 都是挑战! 尤其是华人, 又墓碑, 又法会, 又葬礼, 又坟地.
这真是不少钱. 葬身自处得很小心选, 免得下一代倒霉, 要风水, 就要大笔钱... 真是矛盾, 花了那么大笔钱, 我觉得其实已经倒霉了! 哈哈.. 不过这笔钱, 能花, 是在值得不过! 只是连......

殡葬费 也调涨?? 部分已起价 . 部分仍观望
星洲日报/大都会 2008.06.20

Sunday, June 22, 2008

钱, 真的可以解决很多问题

讨论什么问题都好, 只要谈到钱, 和任何人都谈的来! 因为钱, 是必需品, 也就是说, 钱是生活的基础. 注意, 我是说生活, 并不是生命. 因为生命的创造, 钱是扯不上关系的.

有钱, 不一定买到快乐,
没钱, 肯定买不到快乐;
有钱, 不一定快乐,
没钱, 通常都不快乐.

我这么说, 肯定会引起不同人的看法. 尤其会有人看不起我, 攻击我的看法. 说什么"金钱奴隶"啊, "钱脸"啊. 我个人认为, 不认同我的看法的人, 不是在扮清高, 就一定是天真!!

其实, 幸福的生活, 就是高素质的生活方式. 生活得很舒服, 享受科技, 享受智慧, 享受财富. 美好的婚姻, 需要良好的经济来源. "贫穷夫妻白日哀" 说明了一切. 如果你不能给你爱人一个舒服, 良好的生活环境, 你凭什么说钱不重要? 其实你根本没资格说话了! 美满的家庭, 也需要一样的条件, 你也绝对没资格让家人过的不好. 认真的思考吧.

钱, 不但可以给你物质上的享受, 更可以给你精神上的享受!!

有钱, 不一定要买大车大房子. 因为大车大房子真的不一定带来快乐. 但, 有钱, 其实你已经放下心中很大的负担. 你的家人, 孩子, 需要的不只是钱买到的东西. 他们更需要爱, 更需要关怀. 但, 试问你, 如果你面临经济困难, 你能给多少爱和关怀呢? 我觉得要你笑都不容易了.

有钱, 其实让是你能够付出更多的爱与关怀的门扇.

往后我会谈到"Money is the root of all evil"的话题, 喜欢的话, 请你常回来看看我的文章. 我希望我的部落格能给你一些启示. 谢谢.

Friday, June 20, 2008


转载于 : 自然之子-林海峰新浪博客


例如,预防心脏病所需要共同使用的 10种方法,特别是对那些有高发病危险的人群。但如果战胜疾病,延长生命和增强活力是战争的话,谁是敌人呢?


在 150年前,人类预期寿命是 37岁。能够让我们延长寿命的原因,就是因为食物的来源丰富。如果我们希望尽可能保持活力,就不能简单地依赖生物进化赋予我们的自然规律,而是主动创造对身体有利的条件。

它反对任何延长寿命的努力,认为是违反了人类基本的本性。作家弗朗西斯·福山就认为,将人类寿命突破目前的 80来岁的研究是不道德的。对如干细胞等生物研究的反对之声耽误了很多疾病治疗方法的重要研究。注意,我们不是将这些思想家本人看作是我们的对手,而是他们的倒退观点。人类物种的核心是扩展和扩大我们的局限。最终,这些鼓噪只会在技术革新的洪流中被大浪淘沙,随进步的潮流而被遗忘。但是,哪怕是很少的耽误也会导致成百上千人的痛苦和死亡。

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It was just a month before the gov promises that the fuel price will remain, before September, at RM1.92. A while later, suddenly the nation's petrol stations are packed with vehicles, from the tiny Perodua Kancil to proud Mercedes, BMW; All in queue, waiting for long long time, just to save that few ringgit of petrol. Apparently the fuel price went up RM0.78 to RM2.70 now. It started a few arguements. But soon the gov came up with a BRILLIANT solution, a cash rebate of RM625/year to vehicles under 1999cc. I was thinking that people would be upset that the gov came up with such solution to this problem. But reality proved me wrong, suprisingly, people are pleased with that amount of money payed to them each year; This is a way of subsidary also, says them. This is only the fuel went up RM0.78, what will happen if the gov really is to launch the 0% subsidary plan? Can you not consider the rate of inflation? Can you not consider the rising expenses and limited income? I believe most of the people will feel pressured, unless for those who have extra income to support.

The first "promise" is easily broken, amazingly the gov still made another, saying the fuel price will again remain, until April next year. Now, can you believe that? Its up to you. To me, its another sick joke. Maybe the RM625 cash rebate will increase to RM1250 if the fuel price was to double? To cover all those extra expenses? To cover the dramatic inflation? But i bet many will still be happy, rather, they will be extremely excited and grateful to the gov??

The rate of inflation is too fast for us to catch up, there will be a big impact if fuel price was to increase this fast. You can see it in other countries also. So, as an oil-producing country, I think Malaysia is able to control the fuel price at a affordable price. This way, maybe Malaysian citizens can be more diligent to be financially-independant. Then Malaysia's economic status would be better, hopefully. But at this rate, I hope MYR will still be more valueble than the Indonesian Ruppiah. The parliament is a mess, I doubt the cost the gov tried so hard to save, is really going to bring Malaysia to a higher level, even though many economicans suggests that the fuel subsidising plan is holding Malaysia back.

Still, lets hope for the best, we are Malaysians anyway. Be economically-independant, financially-free, let nothing be a burden to you, then contribute to the country. Doing alone is a lot of work, gather your friends, have a common vision, make break throughs. All the best!

Malaysia boleh... MALAYSIAN BOLEH ! MALAYSIAN BOLEH ! That would be more suitable =)


有关这方面的话题, 我想大半人讨论起来都会有种不舒服的感觉, 这是我分享后得来的结论. 谈起来, 大多数人都会皱起眉头, 好像人家欠了他几百万, 总让场面变得僵硬, 紧张.

其实, 这是因为这些人从没想过这些问题, 说得难听, 确确实实很少人真正有规划人生. 突然间觉得要为人生奋斗时, 有百般不愿意, 产生了种种压力. 事实上生活不好的人, 还是不愿意改进自己的生活, 小小的涨价都可以给你很大的影响. 而人们却一直在逃避...

钱永远不够用, 老板起薪 RM100 说太少, 蛋涨价 RM1 说太多.
时间也不够用, 休息时间半小时说太短, 加班十分钟说要 OT 加薪.
人情搞不好, 送小礼给人却盼大礼会来; 自己送礼能减则减, 别人小礼说孤寒.

人, 就是缺了个环境,
让你有梦想, 敢梦敢想,

要你懂得付出, 享受付出的快感,
要你分享, 多过自享其乐.

豁出去, 学会真正生活, 活出生命的奇迹, 生命的光彩!

Monday, June 16, 2008

燃油上涨, 通膨, 这些还得提醒吗?

燃油上涨, 通膨, 这些还得提醒吗?

当初我有一回都经常做这方面的提醒, 换来的只是一些无聊的回应. 还有些人仍然相信和依赖所谓的政府. 有时听多了还觉得挺有道理的. 哈哈. 但现在已经变成事实了吧, 但还是有人坚持自己的立场???

哎呀, 燃油一定涨的啦! 燃油涨, 物价一定也涨嘛, 还需要你提醒??

我不是要提醒这种人, 我要狠狠的把他脑袋给敲醒!!! 明知道悬崖在前头, 还不断地往那里前进?? 说不定他的目的就是要跳下去吧!!

让我懊恼的是, 我只能在这个没人肯花时间读的布落格上痛快的透露心里话. 大半人觉得我做安利
所以我这么说. 到了这个时候你们还是这么认为?? 幼稚... 无聊... 我个人认为这是因为有些人还不懂得这些对有责任的人的负担, 他们完全不能体会的.

有时有些话说出口, 尤其是跟你立场有差异的, 你肯定觉得不是味道, 都觉得是些没用的废话. 毕竟, 忠言逆耳. 听懂这句话吧, 这些话会给你带来好处的.