
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Define Success

[ Qouted from my previous blog ]

Few months back i've been defining " Success ". Actually what meaning does success carry? Success means different things to different person. To me that time, success means when you can tell your parents :" dad, mom, you can rest now, leave everything behind to me, i can take care of the family."

Some agree with me, some of them teased me. They teased because they cannot believe these words are actually coming out of my mouth! Yes, being ambitious and doing nothing to prove is bullshit. I agree with them. Before i can prove myself that i can do that, Success is nowhere near me.

Success is not a matter of money, fame or fortune;
rather its a representation of one's appreciation

I finally made a conclusion with the words above. Do you guys agree with me? But dont misunderstand the meaning of "appreciation" i carry. I dont mean that if you are satisfied in everything you do, you are successful; to me that is an insult to the word success. The "appreciation" i mean is when you give your best to be the best you can be, with no regrets even if you fail.

To me, one can only persue "appreciation" after he/she already have the basic standards in life. Means when he's free economically, free emotionally and free to do anything, then only he can start to ask for more to appreciate. Else, how can he/she ask for more to persue when he cant even giv the best to his family? to himself?

However, these are only my thoughts, they're not words from a successful person. :-P But i think its nothing wrong to point out my opinion =) So feel free to comment me.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

目标不被耕耘, 就是玩笑

有目标的人, 对某些人来说, 是敬而远之的, 也有是崇拜的, 也有赞扬的. 但真相好像这社会都对有目标的人挺反感似的. 这一路来, 我加入安利之后, 都不断地设定人生目标. 因为, 做安利要成功, 目标就得非常明确. 其中几个好比:在25岁之前已经经济独立, 今年里拥有自己的一部车, 要让父母双双推出工作岗位等等... 有目标, 就到处嚷嚷嗓嗓, 但却不觉得害怕做不到, 结果会是怎样, 会遭别人怎样的看法.

无聊, 越想越无聊. 其实我那时定下的, 不是目标, 而是玩笑. 目标, 是需要经营的, 我却没尽力而为. 玩笑, 不必认真的, 我却认认真真把玩笑开完了. 现在, 别人还没把我看扁, 我已经觉得我自己薄如白字. 但, 我顿悟了. 我车了几个非常响亮的大炮!
想回去, 目标下太快, 就是太轻率. 炸药放了, 点了火, 还没来得及避, 就被大炮炸伤了. 伤了, 就学会看懂自己. 现在还有几颗炸药放了, 5-10年时间让我避, 懂了, 就尽全力去避, 换回来, 就不再是伤痛, 而是无比荣耀!

我想怎样, 不必向人来交代; 也不管别人怎么来看待;
所有一切, 大小事情看不开; 只是让你没头没脑袋.
有了目标, 努力实践是最快; 最后一定得到别人的青睐.

有梦就去追, 成功就在前头等着你!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

环保, 保健, 社会进步, 从自己做起!

不论是社会, 身心, 健康的污染, 已经到了相当严重的阶段. 我认为, 我们身为大自然的一部分, 就应该负起责任保护大自然, 让整个环境变得更舒适. 我们摧残大自然, 其实就是摧残自己的生命. 虽然社会繁荣了, 但文明病越来越多. 科技发达了, 但因为"绿屋"现象,北极开始溶化. 科学的每个突破, 都影响了大自然的面貌. 所以, 我们享受着大自然的美妙, 就应该懂得珍惜, 更应该懂得怎么为大自然付出.

环保意识, 保健意识, 大家早就懂了, 只是懒得去做, 甚至认为这世界少他一个做也没多大的影响. 所以, 我都常听到一句话 :" 哎呀, 不要讲那么多啦! 你以为你是谁? 你做给我看啦! 我看你可以tahan几久?!" 我气愤, 却无可奈何. 所以, 我决定这社会环保, 保健, 就从我做起! 如果可以, 我希望大家, 无论是谁, 如果看得懂这篇文章, 可以配合我, 保护这大自然! 不然, 我们真的会后悔莫及.

一个人, 孤掌难鸣; 一个人做, 变化真的不大.
一群人, 万事如意. 但一群人做, 真的是很大的力量!


推荐影片: "The Unconvenient Truth" - Please watch it.
我将设立另一个部落格, 那里我会讨论多关于健康和环保的计划和知识. 请注意留言板.